Learning Objectives:
This course will cover essential TORUS 6.0 tools to design and analyze modern roundabouts. Participants will learn selecting the preferred design trucks, developing design guidelines, generating roundabouts, editing tools and design checks such as truck movements, fastest path and speed analysis, sight lines and Design Manager to compare iterations. Leave confident using TORUS to effectively generate roundabouts and conduct applicable design controls.
Course Outline:
- Overview of TORUS design algorithm and workflows
- Develop design guidelines for mini, single-lane and multi-lane roundabouts
- Generate mini, single-lane and multi-lane roundabouts
- Edit modern roundabouts
- Analyze fastest path and speed consistency
- Check truck Edit to accommodate design trucks where necessary
- Analyze sight lines and stopping sight Edit to provide sufficient distances where necessary.
- Use Design Manager to compare iterations
Who is it for:
- New users of TORUS 0
- Existing users of TORUS who have not received formal training or who need a refresher
- Designers, Engineers-in-training, Engineers, Technologists, Technicians, City Planners, Architects
- Basic AutoCAD and/or MicroStation knowledge
- Computer system running TORUS 0 on compatible a CAD platform
- Internet access via recently updated web browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox)
- Computer with speakers/headset, microphone, webcam (optional)
COST: $150 USD